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How to Resolve Unusual Account Acitivity Warning for AOL Accounts


What to do if you get: "We've noticed some unusual account activity" occurs when logging in.

When logging into account, Aol can ask for a verification code, which can be received via email, that is included in account format.

To receive verification code, using example mail login@grr.la, is needed to:

    - click the button "Email the code".

    - on email service website (grr.la) click login field, enter email part before "@" sign and click "Set".

    - wait 10-30 seconds till email arrives.

    - if email not received, click "Re-send".

    - enter verification code from received mail into code field and click "Continue".

Now Account can be used as usual.

Also mail with verification code can be received via email service API.

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